Celebrating the Word of God
Divine revelation is celebrated by Jews, Muslims, and Christians in the holidays of each faith. For Jews, the Festival of Weeks...
March - April
The Reflecting on Ramadan's Jewish Roots
March - April
The Reflecting on Ramadan's Jewish Roots
March - April
The Reflecting on Ramadan's Jewish Roots
March - April
The Reflecting on Ramadan's Jewish Roots
Celebrating the Word of God
Ramadan Musings
Handling Muslim Objections, Part 5: “Islam Replaces Christianity”
Handling Muslim Objections, Part 4: “The Quran Supersedes the Bible”
Handling Muslim Objections, Part 1: “The Bible Has Been Corrupted”
Muslim Jesus vs. Biblical Jesus
The Christmas Tree and Calvary’s Tree
What is the Night of Power All About?
The Quran or the Living Word?
Outreach to Muslims During Ramadan
Belief or Action?
What’s Ramadan all About?