Join over 60,000 Christians in praying for
Muslims each Friday. When Muslims go
to the Mosque, Christians around
the world are interceding
for their salvation.
September 13, 2024
Please pray for...
...encouragement for churches and Christians in Algeria, where Islam is the state religion. The Protestant Church of Algeria has seen the closure of 43 of its 47 church buildings.
…Holy Spirit conviction to grip the global Muslim community as they observe Milad un Nabi (Birth of the Prophet) on September 15.
…courage for Muslim converts in Uzbekistan. Pastor Johan says: “Converts [from Islam] are increasing. Pray that they will be unmovable, despite the hostility they face.”
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations,
and then the end will come.
(Mt 24:14)
Pray for Oman
World Watch List #31/50*
Islam is the state religion of this small nation on the Arabian Peninsula and is followed by 91% of the country’s 4.6 million people. All other religious entities must be registered with the government and must not conflict with Islamic moral practices. Any church and anyone who preaches must be under a government-approved sponsor, and churches can meet only where the government directs them. Almost all Christians come from outside Oman; most are workers from Southeast Asia and are mainly Roman Catholic. Several Pentecostal congregations meet in the capital, serving mainly Indian ex-pats. But Omanis are not allowed to attend any church, and sharing one’s faith with them is illegal. An Omani who decides to follow Jesus, especially in rural areas, risks losing family, job, and inheritance, so many opt to keep their faith secret. When possible, they find fellowship with other believers meeting in homes.
Let’s pray
that the Lord would reach Omanis through dreams, visions, and other supernatural encounters and guide these people to His Word and to people ready to introduce them to the Savior;
for Omani believers who must hide their faith, for their protection and their spiritual growth; may they meet other believers, and safely access God’s Word and other theologically sound resources online;
that the Spirit would give Christian ex-pats amazing opportunities and wisdom to discretely share Jesus.
Additional Prayer
Please pray for a small team of workers that has recently moved to a small African region where some 98% of the people follow Islam. There are a few Roman Catholic churches, but evangelical believers are very few, perhaps 300. Pray that the Lord would go before this team to prepare hearts to receive the gospel, and that they might present Him with wisdom and boldness. Pray they would build good relationships with key people and for the eventual establishment of healthy congregations.
A worker serving in a large town and important Islamic center in this West African nation writes, “I am planning a... campaign in November. I need you to support me in prayer that God will impact the people of [this town].”
Let’s join with our brother in praying
“for the finances needed to organize the campaign, including the travel expenses of the evangelist invited to lead it;
“that God would draw people to hear [the Good News]; very often people don't come out to hear the message;
“that God would break down the barriers and strongholds that prevent people from coming to faith;
“that God would help us obtain authorization from the regional authorities to hold the campaign.”
For more information on how to pray for people around the world, visit
World AG Missions Prayer Network
"The 'dwellers in the dark' have found the Light.
The glad Good News has banished heathen night.
The message of the Cross, so long delayed,
Has brought them life at last,
Because you prayed."
Charles B. Bowser