Jesus' Love for Folk Muslims
This book is designed for those Christians who live and work among Muslims. It is written against the background of workers who have had a secular education and may not initially understand the plethora of non-orthodox beliefs and practices they encounter in the lives of Muslims. These may include such things as:
- The “evil eye”
- Animism
- Curses
- Spiritism (evil spirits, séances, Ouija boards, etc.)
- Incantations, talismans, amulets, etc.
These rituals and others will be thoroughly addressed throughout this book. For the sake of simplicity, I have labeled these activities and beliefs under the general umbrella of “occultic practices.” The syncretistic (merging of belief systems) use of these practices in the lives of Muslims I call “folk Islam,” and those who participate in these beliefs and practices are referred to as “folk Muslims.”
“Power encounter” is the expression that deals with two realities: The power of God, the real God, and the power one finds that holds practitioners of occultic practices in their grip. Behind these occultic practices is Satan, the ancient adversary of God. These two powers clash when the gospel of Jesus Christ is introduced into a relationship between a Christian worker and a Muslim who practices occultic habits. Behind this on-the-surface encounter are two personalities: Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and the Devil, also called Satan, the Deceiver, the Adversary, the Enemy, etc.
Satan’s deception is rooted in his efforts to keep people seeking a solution for the emptiness in their hearts through their own efforts. Jesus’ work on earth asks people to believe that He did all that was needed to stand righteous before God our Father and Creator. These two conflicting solutions—Satan’s gospel of self-reliance versus God’s gospel of Christ-reliance—is the very epicenter of the power encounter between the work of Satan and the work of Jesus.
Folk Islam as practiced by folk Muslims is an attempt to satisfy the longing God has imbedded in every human heart. Ecclesiastes 3:11 states, “[God] has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.” It is impossible for humanity itself to satiate the inherent desire for a connection with God.
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