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Join over 60,000 Christians in praying for
Muslims each Friday.  When Muslims go
to the Mosque, Christians around
the world are interceding
for their salvation. 

May 3, 2024

Please pray for...

...a sovereign intervention of God to bring hope, restoration, and lasting peace to the people of Gaza and Israel.

…protection for new believers in Mauritania. Video of a baptismal service went viral, leading to a call for Christians to be killed. Authorities have calmed the situation, but tensions remain high.

…almighty God to protect, deliver and restore Nigerian Christians from the onslaught of Muslim terrorists; may His presence encourage and sustain them.

2024 World Watch List: Saudi Arabia (13/50)*

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the birthplace of Islam, and every able Muslim is to take part in the Hajj pilgrimage to the city of Mecca at least once during his or her life. According to its embassy website, “The Holy Qur'an is the constitution of the Kingdom and Shari'ah (Islamic law) is the basis of the Saudi legal system.” Some 90% of the 37 million inhabitants are Arabs. Saudi citizens cannot leave Islam, so those who chose to follow Jesus do so in secret. The many migrants, mainly from low-income nations in Asia and Africa, are vulnerable to abuse, and Muslims among them who turn to Christ face persecution from those of their own country and from Saudis. Witnessing to Muslims is illegal, and even expatriate Christians meet under great restrictions. Let’s pray for the people of Saudi Arabia.


  • Pray for our brothers and sisters, citizens and foreigners, that they might find fellowship, have opportunities to learn God’s Word and grow in their faith, and sense the sustaining presence and joy of the Holy Spirit.

  • Pray for wisdom and protection for workers who seek to share the Good News with Saudis, through direct contact or through various media, and for opportunities to follow up seekers to ground them in their faith.

  • Pray that the Spirit would use government leaders. The Crown Prince seeks to implement a more moderate form of Islam, and greater laxity allows people to consider other options. Atheism is particularly attractive to many; up to 5% admit to being atheists. Pray that many (including these leaders!) would consider Jesus.

For more information on how to pray for people around
the world, visit 
World AG Missions Prayer Network 

Additional Prayer

Image by Iwaria Inc.


BENIN: Jihadists have been moving into various villages in the north, imposing Islamic rules, demanding a tax to ensure protection, and recruiting young people. Pray that Jesus would reveal himself to them, encourage and strengthen the churches and believers, and use His people to bring neighbors and jihadists alike to himself.

Image by Illia Panasenko



In the land of Martin Luther, today just under 50% of the 83.3 million people claim to be Christians; perhaps 2% are evangelical/Pentecostal believers. Some 42% of Germans follow no religion. As Germans leave faith behind, Muslims—some there for decades, others new immigrants—are practicing and propagating Islam. Muslims now make up more than 6% of Germany’s population, and in some cities 80% of the students in the local schools are Muslims. A recent study notes the pressures that “Christian” children feel to conform and even convert to Islam.


Let’s pray

  • that every child in Germany, whether from a Christian, Muslim, or irreligious family, would have an opportunity to hear a clear message about Jesus and to make the choice to follow Him;

  • that Muslim immigrants from closed nations, some disillusioned by Islam and seeking alternatives in a free nation, would not simply reject religion, but meet true believers who can point them to eternal life;

  • that God would use Pentecostal believers in Germany to intercede for and reach out to Muslims there. Many of these believers are immigrants from Africa and can relate to these migrants’ situation and even religion.

"The 'dwellers in the dark' have found the Light.

The glad Good News has banished heather night.

The message of the Cross, so long delayed,

Has brought them life at last, Because your prayed." 

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