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Former Muslims Called to Missions in Albania!

Updated: May 22, 2020

Muslims are coming to Christ in unprecedented numbers and we rejoice at what God is doing in Muslim nations! As more Muslims come to faith in Jesus Christ, the need for theological and missiological training increases. For those of us who have been raised in church and trained in the Scriptures, we must never forget that new believers from a Muslim background need to acquire a solid biblical foundation.

For the past several years, Global Initiative has been privileged to partner with missionary Kurt Plagenhoef and the Evangelical Theological College in Tirania, Albania. Fred and Annette Farrokh have been living in Tirania this last academic semester to provide training to former Muslim students by teaching courses such as Introduction to Islam, Intercultural Communications, as well as Contextual Church Planting among Muslims.

As a former Muslim, Fred has unique insights that can help train former Muslims in effective ways to plant the church among their own people. Through their teaching, Fred and Annette are able to help former Muslims who have come to faith in Christ get a solid understanding of the Bible and how a church puts faith into practice. It is a whole new paradigm of learning for them!

God is calling many of the students attending Evangelical Theological College to countries where they do not know the culture and where Islam is practiced differently. For example, within Albania there is an Islamic order called Bektashism. This is the main form of Islam in Albania and is a mix of both Shi’ism and Sufism. This is much different than Orthodox Islam. So, if the students are from an Orthodox Islamic country, they must learn the differences between Orthodox and Bektashism Islam.

With their extended stay, Fred and Annette have been able to provide more than classroom learning. They have spent time with the students outside the formal classroom setting. This form of training provides an important aspect of training—discipleship!

God has used evangelists, such as Billy Graham and Luis Palau, to see thousands of people give their lives to Christ. However, mass evangelistic meetings are not generally the way Muslims come to faith in Christ. Nevertheless, whether one comes to faith in Christ through a large evangelistic meeting or as a result of one-on-one interaction with a believer, all new believers need to receive discipleship in order to develop a life-long relationship with Christ.

Jesus commanded us to “Go, and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). This includes the nurturing of disciples in Islamic nations. Churches must prepare to receive former Muslims into their congregations so the new believers can become grounded in their faith in Christ, learn the ways of God, and understand the Word of God.

Fred and Annette have a tremendous opportunity to pour their lives into these students. Will you join us in praying for the Farrokhs as well as these former Muslims preparing for the ministry? Pray that these new disciples whom God is sending forth will make more disciples for Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised to build His church and it is happening—even among Muslims.

Thank you for your prayers and for your faithful generosity! Your financial partnership allows us to go to Albania and multiple other locations around the world to train believers to reach Muslims with the Good News of Jesus Christ. God bless you for your faithfulness to His work! We press on because every Muslim must know the truth about Jesus!

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