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GI Team Member

Islamic Sunday School?

Updated: Aug 19

Did you know that many mosques in America have established Islamic “Sunday School” as part of the services they offer?  While many of these systematic classes were established for training Muslim children, many other Muslim “Sunday Schools” intentionally reach out to non-Muslims in the their communities. These Sunday School programs often promote the ethical and family values of Islam which, in our post-Christian pluralistic society, resounds with great appeal. 

Should this alarm us as the church of Jesus Christ?  At a minimum, it should cause us to reflect and pray regarding how we should respond.  Ultimately, it should challenge us to consider how a highly effective church education and outreach we called Sunday School has, in essence, been hijacked by the Devil. 

For years, Sunday School was the foundation for children and adults to systematically learn the Scriptures.  Over the past century, Sunday School was also an incredibly effective outreach to the children in our communities.  Many children heard the gospel because churches picked up neighborhood children so they could attend Sunday School. In our post-Christian American society, how are children learning about Jesus and the Word of God?


It is a sobering thought to consider, but if the church doesn’t reach the children with the gospel, Muslims are prepared to reach them with their version of truth, but children must know the Truth—Jesus Christ!


Our position is not to confront Muslims personally, but rather to recognize the spirit that drives the Islamic agenda.  Paul reminds us that we do not battle against flesh and blood, but principalities of darkness (Eph. 6:12).  Let’s consider ways to reach the Muslims in our communities, as well as the importance of biblical training for our own children.

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Matthew 19:14

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