What’s For Supper? Comparing Jesus’ Last Supper with the Ramadan Iftar Meal
Christians often associate the holidays of Good Friday and Easter Sunday with springtime. Jesus’ resurrection often coincides with the...
March - April
The Reflecting on Ramadan's Jewish Roots
March - April
The Reflecting on Ramadan's Jewish Roots
March - April
The Reflecting on Ramadan's Jewish Roots
March - April
The Reflecting on Ramadan's Jewish Roots
What’s For Supper? Comparing Jesus’ Last Supper with the Ramadan Iftar Meal
Night of Power Encounter
Celebrating the Word of God
Ramadan Musings
The Breaking and The Sacrifice
How to Share Your Faith with Your Muslim Neighbor
Ramadan Unveiled
Pray for Muslims during Ramadan
The Quran or the Living Word?
Outreach to Muslims During Ramadan
Belief or Action?
What’s Ramadan all About?