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What’s Your Shoe Size?

Fred Farrokh

Updated: Oct 27, 2021

Mine is size 12. That’s according to the shoe size numbering system in the USA. Other countries have different numbering systems. Whatever the numbering system, I have big feet.

That is not necessarily a big problem, except when one is going to be living for a long time in a country that does not sell shoes that big. I experienced that while living in Cyprus many years ago. Now, in Albania, that seems to be a similar issue. Actually, I’m not a “shoe person”—the kind of person likes to possess so many pairs of shoes. It’s just that I like to walk for exercise, and sometimes shoes wear through. Yes, I have tried to repair shoes with duct tape, glue, or electrical tape. The repair does not usually last very long.

With shoes, there is no such thing as “one-size-fits-all.” However, regarding the Gospel, the same gospel saves all. The same blood of Jesus is efficacious for all.

The Bible links shoes with the Gospel—and preparing to share the good

news: “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil….having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace” (Ephesians 6:10-11, 15, NASB).

Isaiah looked ahead and saw messenger of the Gospel of Christ going forth: “How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news” (Isaiah 52:7). These include white feet, black feet, and brown feet. Little feet and big feet. Women’s feet and men’s feet. And even children’s feet. These are beautiful feet. No pedicures required!

Global Initiative: Getting those Gospel Shoes Ready

At Global Initiative, we have the blessed task of preparing men and women around the world to share the Gospel with Muslims. Good preparation is like getting sized up with a strong, durable pair of shoes that are comfortable and durable. You know they will travel well. And the Gospel

travels well.

Since Islam emerged about 600 years after Jesus walked the earth, Muslims are familiar with the names of Jesus and Mary. The Qur’an calls Christians “Nasara,” or Nazarenes. Most Muslims will have heard some basic objections to the gospel, as well as arguments why Islam should be the final religion.

Bible-believing Christians, on the other hand, may have no previous knowledge of Muslims, Islam, or even the name Muhammad. When entering Muslim lands, they may find Muslims who try to preach Islam to them. Muslims may ask them, “Do you believe in three gods?” Or, “Why don’t you believe in our prophet, Muhammad?”

For these reasons, preparing the shoes of the messengers becomes very important. At GI, we take this task seriously: having feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. And when the gospel goes forward, that message of Christ breaks up the follow ground, softens the hardest hearts, and prepares the soil for revival. John the Baptist fulfilled this type of ministry. Isaiah’s prophecy from Isaiah 40:3 was fulfilled by John: “The voice of one calling out in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight!” (Mark 1:3).

Thanks for joining us in prayer for revival among Muslims. Everywhere that the Shariah Law of Islam penetrates, it tends to cause war and coercion. As a silver lining, it also opens up the hearts of Muslims who become disillusioned with Islam. And wherever the gospel of the Lord Jesus is carried by the beautiful feet of Christ’s messengers, peace is birthed in the hearts of new believers. Truly that is good news! Walk on!

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